Friday, April 30, 2010

Tatlin and the Russian Constructivism

To say who is my favorite artist it's very difficult because all the artist have something special. I prefer the Chilean and Latin American Art, in general, but as I don't known very much about this YET, I'm going to speak about of my favorite artistic movement of Avant-garde: the Russian Constructivism. And, my favorite artist of this movement is Vladimir Tatlin.
The Russian Constructivism was a movement of Avant-garde, whose center was the union or relationship between art and life, that was born with the Russian Revolution in 1917. The constructivism was connected with the political project of the new Socialist State and they should unit the art and the life. With the new State, the form of organize the society changed, and the material culture too. In this area, the artist of the Constructivism played a fundamental role, he had to help in the construction of this new society. The art should change in form and content. Because, the art in this new society, should not describe the world, but to change the world. Consequently, this art was abstract and geometric. The artists of the Russian Constructivism proposed a new concept of artist: the builder-artist. This artist was a new type of working-class completely united to the society in where he lived.
Tatlin was the leader of this movement. In 1919, Tatlin designed a model for a monument to the Revolution. But, in 1920, he decided to dedicated the monument to the Third International, a meeting of the working-class. This work of art is known as “The Third International Monument”. The model was a structure in upward spiral of wood with geometric forms in their inside. It was the proletarian Eiffel tower. Although this project isn't fulfilled, this tower should be building on Neva river, in the center of Petersburgo, and their height should be of 400 meters. Today, there are only a pair of photographs of the model and a replica of it.
I think that this piece of art it's great because is striking. In 1920 a person wanted to make a project that, for the technology of that time, was impossible. In that time, the artist believed firmly in their artist project. They believed that could unit the art and the life together. I think that spirit is fascinating.

Friday, April 23, 2010

BBC Learning English

The site BBC Learning English is very good. I thought, ah a site in English.
That is boring. But, I was wrong.
In the category General & Business English you can see notice
about different topic. In this site I knew that Malcolm McLaren,
the singer of Sex Pistols, died last week! Well, but this isn’t
important for the objective of the site, I’m refer to the contents of
the notice. In the site there is a question: What was the stage name
of the singer? There are three alternatives, and you can hear a
program where you can hear the answer: letter b, Johnny Rotten.
In the category quizzes, you can test your English and practice it.
There are quizzes, crosswords, and others.
But the best category is The Flatmates. The Flatmates is
soap opera and you can see it on YouTube. I saw an episode
about of a girl whose “friend’s friend” had a problem. You can
see the soap opera, to hear a learn English and the dialogues are written.
The better is that the site is very funny. The site is brilliant, great!

Friday, April 16, 2010

February 27th 2010. The country changed. The destiny
of millions of Chileans was broken.
I was in my home, in Fresia. I slept when the
bed began to move. I remember that I called to
my Father. I woke up, and ran out of the room. But,
I couldn’t walk. My house moved like a boat.
My father was with me. But, my mother
stayed in bed, she was very relaxed.

It Was very difficult because in my home was
a friend that from of Chillan. He couldn´t sleep.
He knew that the epicenter was in Concepcion.
It`s curious because that night, He told me:
“Today there will be an earthquake”. The weather
and the moon were very estranging.

I was very afraid. I thought, isn’t a tremor.
It’s an earthquake. But, Where?
In that moment, I took conscience that
many people could have died.
In the morning, my friend took a bus to
Puerto Montt. Since that moment I didn't
know of him until two or three days later.

Fortunately, their family was fine. But, he lost their house.
Well, I only can say that was a decisive fact.
Changed the country, changed the people
and changed the politics. The future is uncertain.

Friday, April 9, 2010


My name is Viviana. I live in Santiago now, but when I was
a child, I lived in a “little mountain” in the south of the country.

I’m student of Theory and History of Arts, at Universidad de Chile.
I decided study art because I love it.

The english is very important for the career and in this semester
I hope to learn very much, I hope can communicate with other people in English.
I would like to be able to see films in English and listen to music in English
and understand them.
I would like see contens about the Art.

