Friday, April 16, 2010

February 27th 2010. The country changed. The destiny
of millions of Chileans was broken.
I was in my home, in Fresia. I slept when the
bed began to move. I remember that I called to
my Father. I woke up, and ran out of the room. But,
I couldn’t walk. My house moved like a boat.
My father was with me. But, my mother
stayed in bed, she was very relaxed.

It Was very difficult because in my home was
a friend that from of Chillan. He couldn´t sleep.
He knew that the epicenter was in Concepcion.
It`s curious because that night, He told me:
“Today there will be an earthquake”. The weather
and the moon were very estranging.

I was very afraid. I thought, isn’t a tremor.
It’s an earthquake. But, Where?
In that moment, I took conscience that
many people could have died.
In the morning, my friend took a bus to
Puerto Montt. Since that moment I didn't
know of him until two or three days later.

Fortunately, their family was fine. But, he lost their house.
Well, I only can say that was a decisive fact.
Changed the country, changed the people
and changed the politics. The future is uncertain.


  1. The future is uncertain, but you can read El Tarot =)

  2. God!! Your friend is some like a clairvoyant.

  3. :O
    A friend of my mother said the same thing that your friend... Maybe this persons have a superior connection whit nature, I think...


  4. !!!

    I too would want stayed in the bed just your mother!!

  5. Yes, my mother was in the beach, in Iloca; but she was over the sea level, so fortunately only she felt scared and wasn't really in danger...

  6. it´s terrible that many people were losing his houses, because it´s one basic thing. but is true vivi, as say cony your friend is a clairvoyant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Wow Viviana, you are the most popular this week. Lots of comments, hey?
