Saturday, May 29, 2010

My cell phone and my notebook

To speak about technology it's very difficult because we related it with very complexes machines, I think. But we can see the technology in lots things, for example, clothes to water proof or object that do the life more easy as a toothbrush!
I think that one technology object that is very practice for me is my cell phone, although is very very very old and obsolete. I got my cell phone by a recommendation of my teacher's violin. I had the class of violin in Puerto Varas, I lived in Fresia and I had that travel one hour for assist to my classes. Sometimes, my teacher couldn't do the class and as I hadn't cell phone she couldn't call me. For this, I decided to buy my cell phone, I have it since 2006, I think.
Now I study in Santiago and my family live in Fresia and the only form that I have for to speak with them is my cell phone. I think that should be very difficult for me to live here without knowing nothing about them!

Other object that I think that is very useful and I like it is my notebook. I got it in 2008 in my first year of career. I obtained a grant of the town council of Fresia because I had, I have still, very goods marks. Well, with the money of this grant I bought my notebook. This object is my life! Without it I couldn't do the works for the University. I have all my music, photos and videos there too. I think that my notebook is inmortal because I haven't done the support of my information still!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Chile is a country with a nature exceptional of north to south. When I had 17 years old I did the more special travel of my life, because was the first.
The place that I visited is in the eight region. First, I was in San Carlos, a typical city of the central area of the country. The houses were very different to the houses of the south. Here were of marinade very very olds. The houses are very beautiful, but now for the earthquake, all this old houses are in the floor.
I stayed in the house of a friend, and their family was very kind with me. The house is very big and there lived lots cats (the cat in the principal photo of that blog live in this house).
But the reason of that travel was climb the mountain of Andes. For this, first we had that arrive to San Fabian de Alico, a village in the foothills with a stream of crystals clears waters.
The ascent to the mountain is wonderful! I saw millennial trees and a nature almost virgin. The people climb in the summer because in winter the snow do impossible the ascent.
Later of five hours of climb I arrived to Laguna de la Plata. This is a beautiful place, and there is a glacial there!!! Then of rest ones hours, we continued the ascent to Laguna Añil. When we arrived there was magnificent, I only saw mountains until the infinite, and between the mountains a lake the celestials waters.
I love this place because is very beautiful, sadly a company want to do a dam in this place. I hope that the government takes conscience about this situation…..
Well, I recommend visit Chile before there are have dams in all places.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Violeta Parra, Chilean artist

I’m going to speak about a person that isn’t important in my field. I’m going to speak about of a “craftswoman”: Violeta Parra.
She was born in 1917 in San Carlos, in the Eighth region. When she was a child, she lived in Chillán. I know the house where she lived their first infancy in San Carlos, unfortunately the house have serious damages by the earthquake.
It’s very interesting that all the people important in the area of the arts and literature are of the Eighth region: Pablo Neruda, Pablo de Rokha, Víctor Jara, and the Parra’s family: Nicanor Parra, and “Uncle Roberto” and “Uncle Lalo”.
She is known for their music, but was poet ant plastic artist too. In fact, she was the first Chilean in to exhibit in the Louvre in Paris.
I think that their work is very interesting. The people say that she was a craftswoman, but I think that she is an artist. Their work wasn’t a simple copy of a piece of craftwork; It’s an operation of recodifying and introduce new elements. For example when she compiled the “folk” music, and then she made their song, with base in the popular singings, changed the structure of the melodic line. There is an intellectual operation.
In the sack-cloths, she used a technique that wasn’t a speciality of this artist; all the people can do that. This is folklore, and the folklore is the form of the culture that can unit more firmly to the people. The folklore is something that can represent and homogenize to the people and they feel part of one virtual community, the folk community.
She is a person special because she comes of a field alien to the art field. And she was admitted in the art field of Paris! I think that she is a person that should be recognized how artist, because that is.
She committed suicide in 1967. I think that isn’t terrible. This a poet act, you are who decide the hour of your dead, not death.