Saturday, May 29, 2010

My cell phone and my notebook

To speak about technology it's very difficult because we related it with very complexes machines, I think. But we can see the technology in lots things, for example, clothes to water proof or object that do the life more easy as a toothbrush!
I think that one technology object that is very practice for me is my cell phone, although is very very very old and obsolete. I got my cell phone by a recommendation of my teacher's violin. I had the class of violin in Puerto Varas, I lived in Fresia and I had that travel one hour for assist to my classes. Sometimes, my teacher couldn't do the class and as I hadn't cell phone she couldn't call me. For this, I decided to buy my cell phone, I have it since 2006, I think.
Now I study in Santiago and my family live in Fresia and the only form that I have for to speak with them is my cell phone. I think that should be very difficult for me to live here without knowing nothing about them!

Other object that I think that is very useful and I like it is my notebook. I got it in 2008 in my first year of career. I obtained a grant of the town council of Fresia because I had, I have still, very goods marks. Well, with the money of this grant I bought my notebook. This object is my life! Without it I couldn't do the works for the University. I have all my music, photos and videos there too. I think that my notebook is inmortal because I haven't done the support of my information still!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You gave such a good use to your phone, in my case, mi cell phone and I are in certain way disconected, i never heard it and ergo, i never answer it and sometimes are serious calls, but that technology has been no-naturalized in me, yet.

    And by the way, i love your image down your title and the image from tron is good, i want to see the new adaption.


  2. I agree with you, the two things more useful are the cell phone and the notebook

  3. I agree with you too.. my mobile phone is old but is useful still.

    Also there are other objects.. Check my blog.. JAj

  4. Viva the notebook and the mobile phone, now.

    But my earlier rejection, stolen me :-(

  5. vivi
    you are play the violin??
    it´s great
    do you must a demostration or not?

    it´s very nice your picture of Beatles.I like it

  6. I PLAYED violin...... :-(
    but, maybe I buy a violin with the money of my grant!!!!!!!!!!!!!
