Friday, June 4, 2010

Education and the social reproduction

The video of the conference of Sir Ken Robinson about of Human Creativity and Education raised a central problem about the society and their reproduction. Maybe this sound confused, but I’m going to explained.
The Sir Robinson says that all the children have incredibly talents or capacities; and they have the possibility for innovations. Why? When we are children we aren’t in the “system”, although the family is the unity of shape the persons, in the schools this is stronger, is a mechanism of control and social reproduction.
The school is the place where you are educated, and there we only learn which is useful for the system. To the system want engineer, lawyer and doctors. Isn’t necessary artist, philosopher, anthropologies, sociologies, for this in the schools is so important the mathematics, the biology, the physics.
Education is the place of the social reproduction, the reproduction of the economic system. The people live in the culture, and the culture is that system of production, circulation and consume of the signification in the social life. I suggest that the culture is leaned by all of us. We are cultural beings, we learning it and then we reproduce it. The culture is the essence of the human and as is THE form of the social reproduction, the culture can be used for the hegemony groups for the reproduction of their economy system.
The culture is learned in the family and in the school. Education does that things as the exploitation, the work and the division sexual are looked at as naturals. In the school we learn to reproduce the economy system….
Well, this isn't very encouraging.


  1. It is a shame that the society want more lawyers and doctos. They are not appreciate the art, they don't know that they lose ACHSsss.

  2. In fact, Viviana, the problem about of the education is expanding to social context. Chile is not the exception.

  3. I believe that would be interesting to think how can to develop the whole potential of a child. motivate him to be a totally happy person.
