Friday, June 11, 2010

John and Yoko

I’m going to speak about a picture that I love it: one photographe of John Lennon and Yoko Ono.
I knew this photographe by a friend that is The Beatles fanatic. He told me about John Lennon and their music. The lyrics of Lennon, after The Beatles, are very interesting because he speak about their life, the things that he feel and think. But, I have to speak about the picture.

I don`t know the name of the photographer that took this picture, but I know that he worked for the Rolling Stones Review. Well, in this picture appears John Lennon and Yoko Ono. Yoko is in the floor, she wear black clothes. Instead, John isn’t clothes, he is naked. He is embrace Yoko, and she have their hands on their head. He kiss her in their cheek.
This picture has and special effect, because seems that John hung of Yoko. And this is the sence that the couple wont to express. The love between two persons. John Lennon believed in a “matriarchy”, in fact, when Josh Lennon was born, Lennon stayed in home and Yoko went to work.
This picture express that feeling when you feel as a virgin (this is the reason of the "Two virgins” album ). John Lennon wont to express their dependence and love by Yoko.
This picture was taken in 1980, and the Rolling Stones Review publish it when John Lennon was assassinate in the same year. The review publish only the photo, without a title.
I like this picture because is very artistic and very real. The picture do that you feel that thing so rare that the people call love.

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