Friday, July 2, 2010

My blogging experience

Well, when I knew that will have to write all the class in the blog, I thought: “That is very difficult “, “I can´t”... But, then, when I wrote the second or third post, like magic, I wrote without problems! The first blogs was very short, as 100 words, but, for me, that was too much! The same thing happened with the followings two posts. But, when we had to write about an artist, I wrote almost 400 words! Well, I say, that isn’t very difficult as I though... And I began to enjoy it.
I’ve enjoyed the blogging experience because I’ve learned very much and the topics we have to write about are very interesting, in general. I like when we have to express own opinion about important matter as the education. In these cases you can say the things that you think.
An important part of the task is reading the classmates’ blogs, because you can learn from them. And then of the reading, you have to write a comment. With this, you practice your writing and your reading compression in the same time. This is very useful. And, obviously, is very important to know the opinion of your classmates and in very cases is very funny!
I can say that the blogging experience have been very fruitful because it help me for to understand papers in English. In very subject I’ve had that read papers in English, and, the post and the lecture of this paper it help me for improve my English.
I think that the advantages of the blogging experience are lots. You can improve your writing in English, and thus, you can improve your spoken English. In my opinion, the blog is an excellent form for to practice, and haven’t disadvantages.


  1. For you is very good read and write in english!!!
    You are a reader of papers in english, only because you are a anthropologist!!!

  2. Yes, It has benn easy to write in english, of some way..but I can`t improve my english yet!!

  3. I think that the picture of your post is so just about the subject! And the picture of Beatles is lovely, always makes me smile.

    Regards, Viviana :)

  4. Hello
    I think the blog`s experience have been very satisfactory for all, although I have perfect a lot my english.

  5. I agree with you. I very eassy leard english writing and is stimulating when that is fluid.
    I had absolutely right with respec to the our english learning.

  6. When we had to wrote about our favorite artist, i enjoy the post too, i have to limitate my words because if i'm not i could write more than 300 words xD

    As lucy say, your photo is lovely.

  7. aajjajaja post or not post????? i prefer post, is important that we know the opinion of the classmates
