Friday, June 25, 2010

The Maria Graciela's Blog

I`m review the blog of María Graciela, I chose their blog because I think that she has post very interested. Their topic always I like it.
Well, the name of their blog isn`t very attractive but its posts are. Their blog call it english3blog. In the María Graciela’s blog there are 11 posts. I read almost all their publications and, particularly, the features that I like about their blog are the design of it, and, obviously, the topics about what she writes.
There are three post that I really like it: “Quinta Normal Park”, “Plug in baby!” and “Rock, Freedom and love!”. I like this post because we coincide. I love the Quinta Nomal Park, In fact, I told her in a comment in their blog. In my opinion, Janis Joplin is a great singer, and she used as excuse the technology for speak about her!, and the photo that she published with their post to express the feeling of the rock. And, Although I prefer other concert of that period: as concert for Bangladesh of Harrison, or the concert of Lennon in New York or Toronto, I think that in the Woodstock Fest played incredible bands: The Who, The Jimmy Hendrix Experience, Janis Joplin, Joe Cocker, and others. In my opinion, the Woodstock Fest is the decadence that a movement that could be better.
About their English I think that is good, there are some sentences that seem to lack words, for example: The oposition of the freedom fenced in behind. And, the correct word is opposition, with two P.I think that she should be more attentive when she writes their post, because she knows to write and to speak in English, maybe it is the time or the sleepyness!.

Friday, June 18, 2010


I'm not a "hincha" of "la roja", in fact, I never see the games of Chile because, in general, they always lose the games. Maybe, is a curse. But, that day was different.
I wake up at 7 0'clock and I listen to "cueca"... well, this is very patriotic but was part of the situation...
Before of begin of the game a friend did a bet with other friend, the same friend that told me about the earthquake (in the second post), he said that the star player of the game will be Boseyur!
When the game began I was very nervous, because I had the image of a loser team. But the team gave me a surprise! their plays was very good and intelligent, the team is really good and strong in comparison with previous Chileans team.
I think that the keys players of the team in this game were: Claudio Bravo, Arturo Vidal, Alexis Sánchez, the "pitbull" Gary Medel, Fernández y Boseyur. I think that the principal strength shown by Chilean team were the plays in group, the passes the arrives to the goal. The elegance for the game. It remarkable the attitude of the players with the opposite team, because, when one of the players of Honduras was injure or was attack, the Chilean player that had the ball, he threw it outside of the court. This is a clean game and which the people call sports spirit. In my opinion, the weaknesses of the team were the poor aim. The game could be finish with a difference of 3 or 5 goals, but the players miss very opportunities.
The play of Honduras team wasn't very good, but the trainer of Honduras wasn't present, this is an important factor. Well, about the players, I think that Pavón was only "pavoneando", he fall lonely! More over, he was with overweight.
About the stars of the game: Boseyur did the goal that gave the victory for the Chilean team; Bravo, always very sure, stopped all the intents of goals by Honduras. Sánchez, Vidal and Fernández and their great plays. I think that is a very good team, only lack a little of self-confident.
The people say that Chile will be champions, they say that Bielsa will bring the victory for the Chilean team.
Dreams or not, I think that isn't be bad a little of happiness for the Chilean people.

Friday, June 11, 2010

John and Yoko

I’m going to speak about a picture that I love it: one photographe of John Lennon and Yoko Ono.
I knew this photographe by a friend that is The Beatles fanatic. He told me about John Lennon and their music. The lyrics of Lennon, after The Beatles, are very interesting because he speak about their life, the things that he feel and think. But, I have to speak about the picture.

I don`t know the name of the photographer that took this picture, but I know that he worked for the Rolling Stones Review. Well, in this picture appears John Lennon and Yoko Ono. Yoko is in the floor, she wear black clothes. Instead, John isn’t clothes, he is naked. He is embrace Yoko, and she have their hands on their head. He kiss her in their cheek.
This picture has and special effect, because seems that John hung of Yoko. And this is the sence that the couple wont to express. The love between two persons. John Lennon believed in a “matriarchy”, in fact, when Josh Lennon was born, Lennon stayed in home and Yoko went to work.
This picture express that feeling when you feel as a virgin (this is the reason of the "Two virgins” album ). John Lennon wont to express their dependence and love by Yoko.
This picture was taken in 1980, and the Rolling Stones Review publish it when John Lennon was assassinate in the same year. The review publish only the photo, without a title.
I like this picture because is very artistic and very real. The picture do that you feel that thing so rare that the people call love.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Education and the social reproduction

The video of the conference of Sir Ken Robinson about of Human Creativity and Education raised a central problem about the society and their reproduction. Maybe this sound confused, but I’m going to explained.
The Sir Robinson says that all the children have incredibly talents or capacities; and they have the possibility for innovations. Why? When we are children we aren’t in the “system”, although the family is the unity of shape the persons, in the schools this is stronger, is a mechanism of control and social reproduction.
The school is the place where you are educated, and there we only learn which is useful for the system. To the system want engineer, lawyer and doctors. Isn’t necessary artist, philosopher, anthropologies, sociologies, for this in the schools is so important the mathematics, the biology, the physics.
Education is the place of the social reproduction, the reproduction of the economic system. The people live in the culture, and the culture is that system of production, circulation and consume of the signification in the social life. I suggest that the culture is leaned by all of us. We are cultural beings, we learning it and then we reproduce it. The culture is the essence of the human and as is THE form of the social reproduction, the culture can be used for the hegemony groups for the reproduction of their economy system.
The culture is learned in the family and in the school. Education does that things as the exploitation, the work and the division sexual are looked at as naturals. In the school we learn to reproduce the economy system….
Well, this isn't very encouraging.